Susanna Gibson, a mother of two young children who is running in a competitive race to represent District 57 in Richmond, showed quite a bit more than skin on the adult streaming website Chaturbate, according to screenshots of archived material reviewed by The Post.
Democratic Virginia House candidate performed sex acts with husband on webcam for ‘tips’A Democratic candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates performed s***x acts with her husband online — and asked her virtual audience to pitch in with “tips,” The Post has learned.
The candidate’s attorney, Daniel P. Watkins, told the outlet that the archived videos vio***lated Virginia’s revenge porn law, which makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor to “maliciously” circulate se***xual images or another person’s nu**dity with “intent to coerce, harass, or intim***idate.”
statement to the Washington Post, Gibson called the publicly posted videos “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to hum**iliate me and my family.
The 40-year-old nurse practitioner hosted more than a dozen of the live ro**mps with her husband on the platform, which was then posted to a publicly accessible archive on the website Recurbate in September 2022 after she declared her candidacy, the Washington Post first reported.
explore the legal and eth**ical implications of the video leak, and examine the reactions and responses from various quarters. At its core, this scandal serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and controversies that can emerge when personal choices intersect with political aspirations in the digital age. Join us as we unravel the layers of the Susanna Gibson video leak and its far-reaching consequences.
The unconventional candidate had more than 5,770 Chaturbate followers, whom she repeatedly pressed for more “tokens” in exchange for certain acts in “private” showings — adding that she was “raising money for a good cause.”