diddy joker video Diddy is unrecognizable dressed as The Joker for Halloween The music mogul pulled off a perfect version of The Joker from “The Dark Knight,” complete with a creepy laugh.“It’s not about the money,” Diddy captioned photos of himself running around Hollywood.
It’s about sending the message!”In video shared on Instagram, Diddy ran into Tyler, the Creator in the passenger side of a pickup truck.
This is top tier,” he said of the costume once he realized it was Diddy, who also tried to get him out of the car.
“It’s going to be a glorious night!!” he captioned a post of the encounter.Fans loved the impression, with one writing, “They need to cast Diddy as the next Joker.
You can’t tell me Diddy didn’t just earn a legit audition to be the next Joker,” another wrote.Heath Ledger, who played the iconic role in 2008, won a posthumous Oscar for his performance in “The Dark Knight.”
Diddy was perhaps a little too convincing as The Joker as he found himself embroiled in a tense clash with an actor from Power who didn’t recognise the famous hip hop mogul.
The Bad Boy Records boss without a doubt won this year’s Halloween after undergoing an incredible transformation into the serial ki**lling clown.
Complete with the Joker’s famous purple suit, green waistcoat, painted face and shaggy hair, Diddy’s makeover went way beyond the Batman character’s iconic look as he embodied the madman’s entire persona.